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probably won’t do much of this, but i’ve been wanting to share this for a long time.  this is the poem i read at my wedding.  it’s not about me and sorren.  i’ve never felt better about writing something than i felt when this badboy came out.  it’s a little serious for a blog maybe, but it’s just sitting around otherwise so i thought it was a good time to get it out.


may we know to take our moment when it comes
and to hold ourselves in dire witness of it.
may we see with naked eyes every color that brings it
and know that our company in it is good.
should our nerve start or settle,
should our hearts swell or calm,
let us surrender to see and be seen
plain as we are and great by god’s blessing.
may we not confuse our shabby designs on tomorrow
for the end of our moment or of any other.
at whatever time this moment comes,
for however long it lasts,
and at whatever scale we choose to see and to be in it,
there is nothing but the love of us, hand-in-hand.
there is nothing but the love of us, hand-in-hand.
may we know to take our moment when it comes.

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