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Monthly Archives: January 2009

below here is the first drawing i did for trashers, when the idea for the story was brand new and undeveloped.  after doing a five-page comic on the idea for the awesomer, the ISR anthology, the premise for the story remains much unchanged, but the story itself is still evolving and expanding, which it will be for a long, long time.

poison the cure is so demanding that it’ll be mostly impossible to do anything but brainstorm and jot down ideas for trashers until poison is done.  so taking a little vacation from poison to do a tiny trashers story for the anthology has been a bit of a mixed blessing.  it’s got my wheels spinning hard and it’s got me pumped; it’s got me to look directly at the massive, massive challenges that will be involved in drawing a story like trashers, and it’s got me to tackle a few of these challenges in preliminary.  but although i’ve been happy for the chance–i’m stuck now totally excited for a project i can’t draw.

but it’ll all come back to me.


hello, everyone.  alex cahill from the new radio here.

although for the next couple years i’ll be finishing drawing poison the cure, as i go i’ll be researching and designing other, unrelated comics projects, some of which i’ll be making drawings for.  this spot will serve as a personal blog for my art and thoughts along the way.

at the moment, i’m finishing my submission for top shelf’s awesomer anthology, edited by the jokers at indie spinner rack.